As a church we thank God for His grace that has kept us to partake of another celebrations of the resurrection of His son Jesus. The foundation of our faith as Christians is built on the resurrection of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ who died and rose from death. Or else we would have remained in our sins and our faith is futile and of all men we are most pitiable (1 Cor 15:14-19). The Bible says ‘..but Christ has indeed been raised from the dead…’ Hallelujah, praise God.

So you have no business brooding over that problem. Remember the grave is open and the stone rolled away because Jesus is risen for death could not hold Him back. Therefore, you can trust God that challenge or trouble is over and the expiration date is now. If God would raise His son after three days and Christ raised His friend Lazarus after four days then your case cannot be an exemption for the scripture says in Romans 8:11 ‘ And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you‘. Suffice it to say that there is a new beginning for you. This, actually, is the significance of Easter celebrations by the church.

For anyone who believes in the mystery of godliness in Christ Jesus, Easter Celebrations mark a new beginning. And God desire is  it will not be a mere celebrations but a spiritual re-awakening. Easter is not a time to nail the son of God to the cross again but an embrace of the new life that comes with His resurrection. In His wisdom, God has planned this year’s Easter Celebrations to fall on the last day of the month, 30 March 2013. Therefore, as we enter the new month in April let us begin in newness of life in Christ Jesus through obedience and righteous life re-dedicated to God. Our re-dedication should encompass a new way of thinking and doing things even as God has promised to make all things new.

Therefore, may you receive grace anew and fresh anointing to bring your healing, fruitfulness, favour and all round promotion, breakthrough, success and prosperity in all aspects of life in Jesus name. You are next to testify of God’s resurrection power in this year of His signs and wonders.

The Lord Lord bless you richly beyond measure in Jesus name.



