Festival of Life
The Festival of Life is a bi-annual prayer event which takes place in the UK. The event brings togerther tens of thousands of people who share a common desire, to see a revival in the UK.


Open Heaven Daily Devotional
Open Heavens is an online daily devotional guide aimed to help you build and strengthen your relationship with God.


Toddler Zeal
Toddler Zeal is an online resource designed to help Sunday School teachers and parents teach the Word of God to the children in their care.


Digging Deep
This is the a bible study resource designed to help the reader gain a better understanding of the Word of God.


House Fellowship   This manual is for fellowship sessions held in the homes of a few members of the church. The guide is designed to aid individual spiritual development in a communal setting.


Believer and Baptisms
This manual seeks to establish in every believer a foundation which is able to support any type of structure built on it through the storms of life which may come against it.


Bible Gateway
This is a fantastic free online resource with various Bible translations, complete commentaries, reading plans, devotionals and so on.


Pages Online Store
Pages online store is a useful online Christian bookshop with resources for a wide range of people.
Eden is another useful online Christian bookshop which offers a great deal of Christian resources.


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